Friday, December 11, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
math project (Credit Card Code (Luhn's Algorithm))

2) Assessment

3) Project idea: Divisibility test of numbers from 1 to 10 in base 10An enrichment project.
Grade Level: 10-12
Purpose: The students will gain better understanding of the divisibility of numbers in base 10 and the students will be challenged to think mathematically.
Description of activities: The students will first make conjectures about the divisibility for each of the numbers from 1 to 10. Then they will need to reason to themselves about why or why not the conjectures work.
Sources: N/A
Length of time project will take (in and out of class): 2 classes, 2 weeks
What students are required to produce: A poster or pamphlet of the students’ own conjectures on the divisibility test of numbers from 1 to 10 in base 10.
Handouts, graphics, etc.: N/A
Marking criteria: Number of solutions; Organization; Appropriate conjecture (i.e. not just saying to plug the numbers into the calculator…)
by Jenny Chu, Alan Hsueh, Sara Wang
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
some memorable moments from the short practicum
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
reflection on timed writting exercise
I usually get frustrated with it because i can't come up with ideas, i feel pressured.
-a good way to get students actively thinking about the topic
-we can get ideas from many people
-teacher get to know what those people who are little bit shy are thinking
-get the work done quickly
-we can get some dynamic ideas
-time pressure
-thoughts could be really wild
-frustration can come in if can't think of anything in short period of time
division and zero
-opposite arithematic operation from multiplication
-division of 0 => yuck
-zero could be good and bad, "no" problem or "no" clue. it could be no mistakes or 0/100
-middle of the number line, maybe that's why it's good and bad. It could go either way
-not positive nor negative
-division of 0 => yuck
-freezing point
Division by Zero poem
What did i just wrote
teacher says no no no
division rules doesn't hold
the answer on calculator doesn't show
it does not make sense at all
thus i do what i was told
that is,
don't talk about it at all
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
second micro-teaching self-reflection
second micro-teaching summary
Sunday, October 11, 2009
second micro-teaching lesson plan
Bridge: Does a function transforms? if so, does that mean function is a transformer?
Learning Objective: SWBAT translate a graph vertically and horizontally
Teaching Objective: To prompt the students to observe the relationships and patterns between given graphs
Pre-Test: Does anyone know how to translate a graph?
- What are some questions regards to the different graphs? (What-If-Not)
- Graph y = 2x and y = 2x + 1, y = 2x - 1, y = 2(x - 1), y = 2(x + 1), y = 2(x + 1) – 2
- Ask the students if they notice patterns
- Explain how the graph transforms if students can’t find the pattern
Post-Test: Give a graph y = f(x), then give another graph on the same grid but moved both horizontally and vertically. Ask students to find the equation of the graph that has been moved.
Summary: Generalization of function; what is the equation of the function f(x) if we translate it to the right by 2? And down by 5? And so on.
citizenship education
Friday, October 9, 2009
The What-If-Not strategy
Our micro-teaching topic is going to be on graph transformation. We will start by graphing some simple graphs, and ask students if they recognize the pattern or relationships between the graphs. For instance, y = 2x+2 is moved vertically upward by two units from y = 2x. From here, I can ask “what if the graph is not moved upward?” Let students explore how equations would change if the graph is moved downward or sideways and then ask students to make some conjectures about the transformation. Finally, I can ask “how would the equation change if the graph moved both vertically and horizontally?” as the “problem posing” part.
What are the strengths and weaknesses about the What-If-Not strategy?
I think the strengths of this approach are:
1. It allows students to think creatively.
2. It might lead to some unexpected and interesting questions that one may not think of.
3. It helps both “strong” and “weak” students by getting students involved in thinking about the problem not just doing the problem.
Here are some weaknesses of this approach:
1. It is very time-consuming; I personally don’t think it will work well in a regular class setting.
2. It could end up like an endless loop, as we create more and more problems.
3. It could lead to some totally unrelated topic.
4. We could scare people away from math with series of math questions.
To be honest, I think this approach works well with students who are interested in Math but not so much for those who are already bored with math and yet we throw even more questions at them. I think it works best for those graduate students or mathematicians who are looking for more ideas.
Monday, October 5, 2009
10Questions/Comments for the book "The Art of Problem Posing"
2.I was fascinated because how many possible patterns we can find from a table of values.
3.Is it always good to pose a problem?
4.When is the time that exact answers are not necessary? and why?
5.How do we avoid posing a bad problem?
6.What's your defination of a bad problem?
7.Since when do you think posing problems is important?
8.Did your teachers used the strategies that you suggest when you were in school?
9.What was your motivation of writting this book?
10.You said that we impose a context on the situation, how can i avoid that?
Friday, October 2, 2009
letters of good and bad
Dear Mr.Hsueh
I was your student ten years ago, the year that you had your first full time job. Your attitude towards students taught me that we should treat every individual equally and fairly. You were always caring about students, not just the academics but also their lives. You brought new ways of teaching to the school system. Instead of notes taking, we were doing some fun activities and group discussion was encouraged. The broad math knowledge you had was incredible. You were the one that I was really looked up to. I am glad that I had you as my math teacher and I will always remember you.
I hope that my style of teaching will help students to learn better.
I want to help them both academics and some personal issues if appropriate.
Dear Mr.Hsueh
I was your student ten years ago, the year that you had your first full time job. I guess you were not well trained, as you made tons of mistakes in class. I was very confused to what you were saying, teaching. The teaching style you had was horrible; we had class discussions but usually you lost the students because students started chatting on their own issues rather than concentrating on math topics. I hope your skills of class-management improved through some experience. I can’t let you to destroy the kids of the next generations. Good luck!
Best regards,
I hope that my class-management will not be described as above.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
response to Dave Hewitt's film
Monday, September 28, 2009
summary and resonse to battleground schools
Public criticism of Math education in late nineteenth century led to Progressivist Reform (circa 1910 – 1940). It was the time of industrialization and urbanization, thus Math was perceived as the prerequisite for many subjects. The technique that was generally used was “programming the environment”. Students were encouraged to be involved in activities and “doing” math as opposed to sitting still and taking notes.
In the 1960s, it was the time of competition with USSR. Elite scientists were needed thus Math education became the focus of the nation. The public outcry of preparing children to become elite scientists led to the New Math movement. They were trying to rewrite the Math curriculum for K-12 level. There were huge problems as the existing teachers weren’t familiar with the new curriculum and the parents were not able to help their kids with their math homework. Due to these obstacles, the movement ended in the early 1970s.
From 1990s and onward, there’s a battle between Math curriculum and teaching methods known as the Math War. After a poor ranking in the world in Math for American eighth-grade students and detailed video analysis, the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) concluded that deeper conceptual understanding of Math was the key to succeed a higher ranking.
It is likely that during my future teaching career, I will come across some kind of new movement. To be able to adjust to a possible new “system”, I need to be open minded and willing to adjust to a new style. With my characteristics of caring for students and my passion for teaching, I believe I am up for the challenge.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
group summary of the interview
The general consensus is that Math is important to understand the world around us, and is a critical prerequisite to learning essential skills such as statistics, accounting, physics, poetry, etc. Additionally Math helps to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.
(2a) For students: When learning a new material, do you tend to memorize the steps in solving a problem or do you try to understand the meaning and idea under each steps? and why do you do so?
Our students, who both struggled with Math, had differing opinions on Instrumental versus Relational understanding. The first student, who learned using a "work at your own pace" system, believed that the best method for him was 100% instrumental learning, since he viewed mathematics as an unnecessary learning exercise, and had no interest beyond passing the course. Our second student believed that if he had an Relational understanding, that it would be easier for him to develop (or "memorize") the Instrumental understanding.
(2b) For teachers: When teaching a new material, do you just work through a problem and showing all the steps in solving a problem or do you explain or try to explain the idea in each of the steps involved in solving a problem? and why do you do so?
Two of our teachers believe strongly that Relational teaching leads to a stronger understanding of the material than Instrumental teaching, which in turn allows the students to better apply their knowledge to a wider variety of problems. Our third teacher believes it is important to emphasize a variety of teaching techniques, both Relational and Instrumental, combined with classroom discussion and a final summary of the Relational concepts.
(3) What do you think of TPS (Think-Pair-Share) techniques where students break into groups of 2 to discuss the material before the class discusses it as a whole? How about groups of 5 students?
Two of our three teachers were willing to comment on TPS techniques, but for different reasons. Our first teacher believes that TPS can help both as a classroom management tool, as well as help reduce the possibility of public humiliation that occurs when a student answers a question wrong. Our second teacher supports TPS techniques because the students take a more active roll in their learning. She finds it inspires creativity in the students, improves their ability to communicate using math terms, and strengthens their understanding of the concepts.Both students believe TPS techniques would help with classroom management. One student expressed concern regarding groups of 5, where not everyone may be actively involved.
(4) Administering tests can be an effective tool in determining class proficiency before moving on to new material. How frequently do you believe tests should be administered?
Our teachers as a whole believed that constant assessment is necessary, but did not believe that tests were essential to administer frequently. They all stressed that alternate methods of assessment were just as effective. Both students explicitly stated that tests should be administered at the end of every unit, and suggested one test a week as a good pace. One of the students specified that he prefers tests to homework assignments as a means of assessment.
(5) What are your views on traditional class lecturing versus a system where students could work at their own pace and each individual could spend extra time on material they found difficult?
Our teachers agreed that a "work at your own pace" system would be nice, but is very difficult to implement due to time constraints and class management. Although not included in the written response, the one teacher, Mr. Jack French, did mention in a phone conversation that the administration and parents pushed heavily against this system due to students having to take a Grade 12 math block to finish their required Grade 11 mathematics, which by the program requirement, they eventually passed with 80% or better. One student expressed concern that a "work at your own pace" system would result in the students getting behind, while the other student was concerned about teacher unavailability.
self reflection on interview assignment
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
reflection on Robinson's article
Monday, September 21, 2009
Two of my most memorable math teachers
The other memorable math teacher is Ms.Funk. Her knowledge of math is incredible, she answers all kinds of math questions whether it's related to school work or not. She cares about her students and helps students whenever needed. She also asked me to be her TA in the class, that was my first teaching experience and it ended up being my career path.
Looking back at these two teachers, one common characteristic is that both of them care about their students. They both have great passion about teaching math; they want to share their broad knowledge about math. They also encourage students to explore beyond what was taught in class. They have great influences in my life.
my first microteaching assessment
Thursday, September 17, 2009
BOOPPPS lesson plan
Have you ever played the game called Coloretto?
O(Teaching objective):
1. Team work
2. Anaylyze the situation
3. Instant reaction
4. Have some fun
O(Learning objective):
1. Students will learn how to play the game
2. Students will learn to work together, and communicate with the team
No formal test
We will play a game with everyone showing their cards
Play a real, competitive game
Conclude by emphasizing the importance of group work